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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Babble of the Day: Procrastionation


\prə-ˈkras-tə-ˌnāt, prō-\verb
: to be slow or late about doing something that should be done : to delay doing something until a later time because you do not want to do it, because you are lazy, etc.

Full Definition

transitive verb
:to put off intentionally and habitually 
intransitive verb
:to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done
  Procrastination, A.K.A. the bane of any writer's existence. Everyone deals with it, and even the best of the writers out there have suffered from it under different names. Writers Block, Creativity Rut, The Blues; we all have our titles. However, even though we all know that we'll inevitably deal with it, we still fall prey to its effects. 
  For example, I've been working on who knows how many stories since I was little. Right now, I'm prepping two stories for NaNoWriMo in November and I currently have not written in at least three weeks. I mean, I've still been working on plot ideas, and character studies, but I haven't truly written anything. Thankfully, it's not because I'm in a funk that I'm not writing, it's just a schedule overload. This is a pretty regular mental conversation that I have with myself on a daily basis. 

Oh, hey self. Remember how we made that promise to write every day?

No. How about we just don't. Not today. We could stalk Pintrest, or YouTube. Doesn't Buzzfeed have a new video up? Let's watch it!

But we promised ourself! We need to write at least a thousand more words to make up for not writing last week!

But, what if The Avengers is on? Or Thor, you know you can't resist Tom Hiddleston. 

Yeah, that's really true actually… Hey, let's go look at it!

I agree, let's. Then we can look at music videos and not practice your violin!

Ugh, you're so compelling. Fine, we'll do that too, BUT only for an hour or so. 

Sure, just an hour or so. Or maybe four. Or the rest of your day, no problem. 

  So you see, it's a huge problem with a thankfully simple fix. Just delete all the distractions from your life! But then- where would we  lose all of our time? *sigh* Maybe later I'll figure something out.

But what about you all? Do you ever get into a massive rut in your creative process where you can't write or create any new content? Any tips on how to get out of it?


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